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How to design the space partition of Indoor Playground?

Date:2023.02.14   Views:728

The development space of indoor park is huge, and more and more investors are investing in Children's Naughty Castle. So how to design the space of Children's Naughty Castle to attract more people's attention and let children immerse in the park?

The park planning not only needs to incorporate entertainment elements, but also needs to include the following three space range designs to meet the needs of children's age, hobbies and personality

1、 Entertainment space

Entertainment space is the core of the theme of Naughty Castle Park, which brings the greatest joy to children. For children, the more novel and interesting the device is, the more attractive it will be. Through various shapes of the theme, children's eyes are attracted visually and visually.

Indoor parks can combine real scenes such as sound, color, light and shadow. Let the children enter a fantastic world in the unpredictable light and shadow. Increase their participation, improve their imagination and creativity, and spread the theme and happiness of the story to children.

2、 Performance space

With the increasing demand of consumers for experiential consumption, the development trend of Naughty Castle Park must also be to develop into a comprehensive entertainment space integrating entertainment, performance and education.

"Interaction" is the core of the operation of the indoor park. The performance space is set to guide children to perform interactively in the form of stories, which meets the expectations of children for "Princess Dream" and "Hero Dream". Through the layout of the scene and amusement equipment, children can experience the advanced "home pass" scene in the scene, so that children's game experience can reach the highest level and enjoy the charm brought by different scenes.

3、 Educational space

Education space is the six core concepts of integrating education into entertainment, learning different skills and knowledge through children's amusement equipment in the indoor children's naughty castle park, developing and discovering children's unique advantages, and improving and cultivating children.

Guide children to experience growth in play, so that children can gain physical, emotional and cognitive development in happiness, and also learn how to communicate and share with other children in the park to harvest friendship.

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