Before we design indoor playgrounds for the owner, We learn all details of your place, No only the specification of width, length and height. But also where is the best location for the entrance, how to security the pillar... Make clear understanding of your requirements in terms of theme, function, style and elements. Make ultimate use of your place, has the right mix of play events and activities, has the best visibility, has the best play ability and safety! We will keep revising the design until you completely satisfied and love this indoor playground, your playground will be most attractive to kids. We already have many theme for choice and hundreds existing design for reference, we also make list of components and material to maximize your choice on kids playground. We put ourselves in the shoes of the playground owner.
1.What is the effective clear ceiling height of proposed location (see instructions below)?
2.Do you have a CAD file (provided by an architect) that you can provide us?
3.Are there any beams,poles or obstructions in your location that will be in the playground installation area?
4.Are there any obstructions in the ceiling space such as air conditioning vents,exhaust ducts,hanging lights,etc. in the playground structure?If so,please provide picture of the obstruction and measurements as well.